Justices of the Peace

Carroll county has eleven districts represented in the quorum court.

Dist. Name Address Email Phone Voting Precinct Township
1 Jack Deaton 770 Hwy 187
Eureka Springs, AR 72631
jjd1701@yahoo.com 479-253-1564 (cell) Holiday Island
(Senior Member)
2 Stuart Bruce Wright 13 Cloud Dr.
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
stonewiz1077@gmail.com 479-981-1631 Lakes Areas Western
3 Harrie Farrow 1 Washington St.
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
harrie.farrow@gmail.com 479-981-0382 Eureka Springs Western
4 Hunter Rivett 271 County Road 238
Berryville, AR 72616
hunterrivett@yahoo.com 870-350-6677 Kings River Central
5 Matt Phillips 1004 Pine Ave.
Berryville, AR 72616
mphillips.jp5@outlook.com 870-480-7151 Berryville East Central
6 Craig Hicks 1004 Maple St.
Berryville, AR 72616
craighicks@cox.net 870-654-7078 Berryville West Central
7 Kellie Matt 156 Morning Drive
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
shopkeeper1999@gmail.com 870-480-6315 Prairies Central
8 Bobby James 913 Hwy 311
Green Forest, AR 72638
bobbyjamesjp25@gmail.com 870-480-9641 North Hickory Northeast
9 Aaron Hall 1696 CR 938
Green Forest, AR 72638
aaronbhall23@yahoo.com 870-654-6124
South Hickory Southeast
10 Jerry King 604 County Road 814
Green Forest, AR 72638
jerryking@windstream.net 870-480-3156 Yocum
11 Caroline Rogers 4728 County Road 905
Alpena, AR 72611
caroline.rogersjp11@gmail.com 870-350-1516 South Carroll